Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Write Because...

By Janie Lynn Panagopoulos

Being a writer is an unusual profession. Often it is not financially lucrative but on the other hand the sense of enjoyment and satisfaction that one gets by sharing ones thoughts, feelings, and knowledge is beyond the balance in the bank account.

I have been writing professionally for over 30 years and I have learned, without a doubt, many hints, tips, ideas, dos and don’ts and hope some of those that I will share with you will be of help.

In my career as a writer I have worked in advertising writing newspaper, radio, and television copy. I have taught playwriting courses and have had several of my own plays produced on the small theater venue. I spent over fourteen years writing for the newspaper and magazine market and have had over 1,000 articles publish. I worked both for individual newspapers and as a freelance writer. The last 14 years I have spent writing books.

I write because it is part of who I am. I write to share knowledge and information. I write to connect to the world.

Writing Quote: To me the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make. - Truman Capote

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